Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Source of Strength--by Linden Malki

One of the first things we as followers of God need to realize that we, as human beings, created by God, are less strong than God Himself.  This would appear to be obvious, but we don't necessarily live as if we do understand this.  Many people do not believe this; most don't want to believe that they are not as strong as they think they are--as this would mean that they would have to recognize their own shortcomings.  Recognizing our own limitations is the first step to acquire the strength that we need to know that we need.  Dealing with people who think they can do whatever they want is scary.  This is part of the first mistake that our ancestors made: thinking that they could get away with whatever seemed to be a good idea at the time.

One of the first thing we notice about the inevitable problems that arise in life is that they do arise. This usually means ignoring the debris that piles up behind you.  One common answer is to blame someone else--or everybody else.  Another is to go charging ahead convinced that it will all work out in the end. We may find out that the baggage we allow to pile up despite evidence (and advice) is clogging up what we need to take care of.  It often leads us into places we shouldn't go, often with people who are not good influences.  One victim of this situation is often the most important: truth.  If what we are doing is based on false information, it means trouble. It may not seem like it at the time, but sooner or later it will crash down upon us, and often bring down others with us.  We are seeing a political situation not only in our own country, but that is spreading to other countries and causing immense amounts of pain. Over the last century or two we have seen too many radical political disasters, based on ambition, power politics, revenge, greed, as well as stupidity.

The basic cause of this situation, both as individuals and society, is not understanding that God is stronger and smarter than we are.  He allows us to make total fools (or worse) of ourselves if we insist. If we are willing to accept the challenge of opening our hearts, souls, and brains to the power and truth of God, He will give us not only the words but often a demonstration of His power to clean up our messes and put us on the right track. It does mean humility and maybe a "thorn in the flesh" to keep us patient.  He can do amazing things; even occasionally small things as reminders that He is in control.  If we allow Him full rein in our lives, it will not always be easy, but always possible even when it appears to be totally impossible.  He may close doors that we want to go through; but they often open other places and things that we never could have guessed or expected. 

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