Sunday, November 27, 2011


I really do enjoy the Christmas Season, I am the kind of guy that wants to play Mannheim Steamroller after thanksgiving dinner. I enjoy the time with family, the focus on Christ and the rest for our souls. It is so easy for everything to get crazy during this time of year. Some of that craziness is unavoidable, but as much as I can I try to avoid it. Use this time of year to reconnect with your friends and your family. Do something out of the ordinary this season, maybe call someone you have not spoken with in a while, or give a gift to someone you never would have given to in the past. 

Christmas is a time for us to remember how much God has given us in his Son, if all we ever had was Jesus Christ, it would be enough, yet he has blessed us so far beyond that. How can you bless someone in that way, how can you introduce them to Jesus.

Take advantage of the moments that this season will bring...

Pastor Chris
Live Simply, Work Diligently, Give Generously
