We were created to live in relationships! One way we know how important this is, is to realize that almost every living creature depends on a relationship to reproduce--but we are each different within a an amazing individuality, and then realize the even greater variety of combinations of couples and singles within a community, not to mention an entire world, we realize how incredible our Creator is. The earliest story we have about how people are made to live together is the very first description that shows the first two people were not created to live alone, but with each other. The ideal is for this to be happy, but the difference in people and circumstances doesn't always work that way. One of the major concerns in most of our lives is to find a partner that we can live with (and ideally love, but that doesn't always work). One of the things I have found amazing with my family and friends is the surprises that God has for us in this journey--and the importance of paying attention.

God can do amazing things if we give him the chance! One of my sons got stood up by a date and left with a picnic lunch for two, and decided to call a high school friend that had been mentioned as someone he should get back in touch with--and eventually married. His brother went to college at Chapman University in Orange County, and met a girl from Seattle--where most of my family lives. One weekend he and his dad and I went up there for a family wedding and she was also in Seattle for the weekend--so we wound up meeting her up there. The cool thing about their eventual wedding in Seattle was having lots of my family there. One of my daughter's cousins got a job with one of my customers, met a guy there who introduced my daughter to his brother--who she is still married to. And I wound up marrying a man that I met on a Dutch freighter between New York and Beirut--whose family there knew a cousin of mine who was a missionary there that Dad and I were visiting with Dad's brother. That was the surprise that got me to San Bernardino, where one of my Dad's best friends was the associate pastor of what was then Calvary Baptist Church. God's surprises are a lot better than our own plans!
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