can be the most wonderful and comforting place to live; or they can
be the most terrible and painful environment that can be imagined. We
can even see this in Scripture; what we have in the words of God are
both the most beautiful and also the most depressing stories that we
find in any literature. The Bible is honest; people have not changed
in the millenia since the beginning. If we pay attention to the world
around us, we find both the best and the worst.
I grew up
in a neighborhood that had them both. My own family was not perfect
(whose is?) but we got along relatively well and pretty much dealt
with issues as they arose. My parents both grew up in Christian
families, went to church regularly, were taught right from wrong and
watched for opportunities to help people whenever we could. Our
extended families were also raised in churches and get along with
each other pretty well (in most cases). I thank God for watching out
for us and blessing us in many ways.
Not all of
our friends and neighbors were as fortunate. There were families on
our block whose idea of raising kids was to shove them out the door
in the morning and then step outside and cuss at them periodically;
and not pay any actual attention to what they were doing. My mom did
keep an eye out, so I avoided the worst of what was going on, but I
realized later that I did learn too much too young about some things.
Some of the families did pack the kids off to Confession on
Saturdays, so they had some acquaintance with God; and my dad scooped
as many of them as possible for VBS at our church. A few of them had
parents who were involved in churches; and the only one that I am
still in any regular touch with is one of them.
We mostly
live around a similar mix of people; some healthy families and some
totally dysfunctional, and everything in between. What can we do
about it? We can live lives that demonstrate the best of what God
intends for His people; we can watch for opportunities to show care
and concern and words of wisdom (without being judgmental); and we
can pray for those that are put in our path.
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