Sunday, July 14, 2019

God's Mountaintop--by Linden Malki

"There are many roads to the top of the mountain"  is a commonly heard statement when people are discussing religious beliefs. The idea seems to be that we can choose our path, and somehow get to a place of our own ideals by our own efforts. As Christians, we believe that we don't get to a mountaintop by our own effort. We read in Scripture that God is reaching down to us, and He will bring us to His presence "‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. Our response is to accept His free gift--and commit to following Him.

This offer gives us the power to be His children; and we don't have to keep struggling to find a path to Him.  It also means that we are given the ideals and the strength to follow Him in His power, not our own; that the good works He has for us come with His strength and ability. When we accept Him, we have the forgiveness bought by Jesus in His love, and also the indwelling Spirit in our lives.

This also gives us the gifts of His Spirit, which come in a variety of special experiences.  We can experience His Word through studying and reading, and we find that there is something new for us every day. We can make a point of listening for Him, and we will find answers to issues that we are dealing with in life. We get taken care of--not according to our desires, but according to His best for us. i have had amazing things happen in my life; things that are beyond my wildest expectations. I have had mountaintop experiences, sometimes in answer to my needs, and sometimes an unexpected breakthrough that gives us a new understanding of His Creation. I've had  answers to glitches in life that are like little sprinkles of His love. I have had amazing people drop in and out of my life; some of them have brought experiences that have cost pain, but something that I've needed to learn. Some of them have brought opportunities to serve Him and His people in special ways. Sometimes it's like a visit from St Nicholas, who was himself a great servant of God.  I am grateful for gifts of words and music, that He has given me to use to bless others, to enable children and teens to share His stories, and to enable  His people praise Him in songs.
Living on His bedrock, His solid mountain, gives us both the underlying base of His presence. the overflowing surprises of His Spirit, and the most amazing horizons!                                                 

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