Sunday, July 21, 2019

God's Freedom--by Linden Malki

It sounds simple. When the idea of "freedom" crosses our mind, the the first thing we think of is being able to do whatever we feel like doing. The problem is that we don't have control over everything that is involved with what we do.  This was brought home one afternoon about ten years ago, one fine afternoon one of my nephews jumped on his motorcycle to visit a cousin in the Hemet area. What he didn't know about was the truck in a dip on Hiway 74, and the effect of a few drinks on his reflexes. He never made it home.

The subject of "freedom" is more complex than it seems.  If we are not free to do whatever we want without consequences, is there a "freedom" that is worth seeking?  I think there is, and it is related to our last few weeks' studies.  We know that God offers us a relationship with Him that offers us freedom from sin if we accept it.  One of the benefits of this relationship is the presence of His Spirit in us; and this offers us opportunities to serve and witness in ways that we can't do on our own. This gives us the freedom from the limitations of our human strength, and the power to love people--and God--that we can't do on our own. and the wisdom to avoid the pitfalls that we could trip over on our own.

The underlying gift here is one that is often referred to as "moral freedom"--the gift that transforms our human, limited  will into one that is based His perfect will--so that we can truly "will as we ought." His Will offers us security as well as freedom; like the gate to the complex where I work, open and welcoming for the most part, but if required it can be secured against the problems of the world.

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