Sunday, July 28, 2019
Dealing with the Power of Evil--by Linden Malki
The Apostle Paul says a scary thing in his discussion of sin and death in Romans 7: that even when we know God and His Law we are still subject to the possibility of sin. In fact, he goes on to say that the Law itself brings knowledge of sin, in that we become aware of it as something that we are responsible for but will still fail in our own efforts.
This is when we find ourselves in a situation where we are aware of the laws that we still find ourselves on the wrong side of, but we can recognize that we do have His Spirit available to make us aware of both the nature of sin and that we have the power available to overcome it. Even when we don't live up to the Law, we do have the recognition of where we have messed up, and the knowledge that we are forgiven.
We are supposed to recognize evil when we see it, and to recognize that we are not called to overcome it on our own. Step one is recognition: what we don't recognize we can't deal with. We can get ourselves in trouble because we are not even aware that the problem exists, and it's a battle that we lose because we did nothing. The next step is awareness that the Law gives us a tool to recognize it. If we deal with it with our own best efforts, we may make some progress in dealing with it. and it may even lead to pride in our efforts. We are still dealing with it on our own strength. There is another step: recognizing the evil power that may be involved, and this means it needs spiritual power.If we don't have a relationship with a source of spiritual power, we are helpless. Evil wants us to think that we are helpless. If we have the power of the Holy Spirit in our life, we have a source of power to call on, but if we don't apply this power, we're still behind the curve. What will answer the question is to stop trying to deal with it on our own, admit that we are powerless on our own, and give it to the Spirit that can handle it.
Sometimes we forget that evil is real; temptation is real, and sometimes the best answer is to not try to handle it on our own; walk away and leave it alone.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
God's Freedom--by Linden Malki
It sounds simple. When the idea of "freedom" crosses our mind, the the first thing we think of is being able to do whatever we feel like doing. The problem is that we don't have control over everything that is involved with what we do. This was brought home one afternoon about ten years ago, one fine afternoon one of my nephews jumped on his motorcycle to visit a cousin in the Hemet area. What he didn't know about was the truck in a dip on Hiway 74, and the effect of a few drinks on his reflexes. He never made it home.
The subject of "freedom" is more complex than it seems. If we are not free to do whatever we want without consequences, is there a "freedom" that is worth seeking? I think there is, and it is related to our last few weeks' studies. We know that God offers us a relationship with Him that offers us freedom from sin if we accept it. One of the benefits of this relationship is the presence of His Spirit in us; and this offers us opportunities to serve and witness in ways that we can't do on our own. This gives us the freedom from the limitations of our human strength, and the power to love people--and God--that we can't do on our own. and the wisdom to avoid the pitfalls that we could trip over on our own.
The underlying gift here is one that is often referred to as "moral freedom"--the gift that transforms our human, limited will into one that is based His perfect will--so that we can truly "will as we ought." His Will offers us security as well as freedom; like the gate to the complex where I work, open and welcoming for the most part, but if required it can be secured against the problems of the world.
The subject of "freedom" is more complex than it seems. If we are not free to do whatever we want without consequences, is there a "freedom" that is worth seeking? I think there is, and it is related to our last few weeks' studies. We know that God offers us a relationship with Him that offers us freedom from sin if we accept it. One of the benefits of this relationship is the presence of His Spirit in us; and this offers us opportunities to serve and witness in ways that we can't do on our own. This gives us the freedom from the limitations of our human strength, and the power to love people--and God--that we can't do on our own. and the wisdom to avoid the pitfalls that we could trip over on our own.
The underlying gift here is one that is often referred to as "moral freedom"--the gift that transforms our human, limited will into one that is based His perfect will--so that we can truly "will as we ought." His Will offers us security as well as freedom; like the gate to the complex where I work, open and welcoming for the most part, but if required it can be secured against the problems of the world.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
God's Mountaintop--by Linden Malki
"There are many roads to the top of the mountain" is a commonly heard statement when people are discussing religious beliefs. The idea seems to be that we can choose our path, and somehow get to a place of our own ideals by our own efforts. As Christians, we believe that we don't get to a mountaintop by our own effort. We read in Scripture that God is reaching down to us, and He will bring us to His presence "‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. Our response is to accept His free gift--and commit to following Him.
This offer gives us the power to be His children; and we don't have to keep struggling to find a path to Him. It also means that we are given the ideals and the strength to follow Him in His power, not our own; that the good works He has for us come with His strength and ability. When we accept Him, we have the forgiveness bought by Jesus in His love, and also the indwelling Spirit in our lives.
This also gives us the gifts of His Spirit, which come in a variety of special experiences. We can experience His Word through studying and reading, and we find that there is something new for us every day. We can make a point of listening for Him, and we will find answers to issues that we are dealing with in life. We get taken care of--not according to our desires, but according to His best for us. i have had amazing things happen in my life; things that are beyond my wildest expectations. I have had mountaintop experiences, sometimes in answer to my needs, and sometimes an unexpected breakthrough that gives us a new understanding of His Creation. I've had answers to glitches in life that are like little sprinkles of His love. I have had amazing people drop in and out of my life; some of them have brought experiences that have cost pain, but something that I've needed to learn. Some of them have brought opportunities to serve Him and His people in special ways. Sometimes it's like a visit from St Nicholas, who was himself a great servant of God. I am grateful for gifts of words and music, that He has given me to use to bless others, to enable children and teens to share His stories, and to enable His people praise Him in songs.
Living on His bedrock, His solid mountain, gives us both the underlying base of His presence. the overflowing surprises of His Spirit, and the most amazing horizons!
Sunday, July 7, 2019
God's Story--by Linden Malki
God is a story teller! We have the evidence of the Bible, which has stories in almost every book. There are also historical records, which also include stories of people, some of who we don't have any other information about. The Bible has people constantly poking their heads out and turning into a story. This tells some things about God: He cares about individual people, and He thinks in stories. This is not just seen in the Bible; every culture that we know anything about has its own repertory of stories.
We are told that we are created in the "image of God." I suspect this is a recognition of the idea that our minds work, obviously in a much more limited way, like the Mind of God. Jesus said "The King dom of God is like....." everyday things that we take for ordinary, but that demonstrate the likeness of our minds with His. I find it interesting that we can recognize the humanity, the weaknesses and the strength of people we see in the Bible, and also in other literary works, from a wide variety of times and places. We think we can fly, but too often we crash and burn. He lets us try, and picks up the pieces. We can imagine things that are out of our everyday existence, and He lets us tap into His Mind. And He reminds us that His creation is still incredibly bigger and weirder than we imagine--or can imagine.
He tells us what is good for us, and what it bad. He gives us the choice, but it has consequences. The story is always bigger than we realize, but He allows us to reach for the stars. The world He put us on is bigger than we imagine, but fragile in ways we don't expect and can't predict; there is always more to learn.
God spent 2000 years working with a family that became a nation, but when it was time for them to go the next steps to a more challenging relationship with Him, the nation that was called to be His pilot program wasn't ready for the next chapter. They wanted to do it themselves; and were not ready to move up a step to a more challenging but more rewarding relationship with Him. God's story is always bigger than we know; bigger than we can know. Paul was called to tell the next chapter; and we're still trying to learn to stretch our minds an
d hearts into His Story.
We are told that we are created in the "image of God." I suspect this is a recognition of the idea that our minds work, obviously in a much more limited way, like the Mind of God. Jesus said "The King dom of God is like....." everyday things that we take for ordinary, but that demonstrate the likeness of our minds with His. I find it interesting that we can recognize the humanity, the weaknesses and the strength of people we see in the Bible, and also in other literary works, from a wide variety of times and places. We think we can fly, but too often we crash and burn. He lets us try, and picks up the pieces. We can imagine things that are out of our everyday existence, and He lets us tap into His Mind. And He reminds us that His creation is still incredibly bigger and weirder than we imagine--or can imagine.
He tells us what is good for us, and what it bad. He gives us the choice, but it has consequences. The story is always bigger than we realize, but He allows us to reach for the stars. The world He put us on is bigger than we imagine, but fragile in ways we don't expect and can't predict; there is always more to learn.

d hearts into His Story.
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