Welcome: You have come to
meet with God, and one another. Begin
your time with food, fun, and fellowship.
Check in and catch up. Give a
warm welcome to any visitors.
Worship: Take a few
minutes to connect with God, and One Another.
Use music, art, silence, prayer, or anything else that seems wise. Invite the Holy Spirit to be with you, and
lead you.
Ask: Remember an instance when
you experienced a specific answer to prayer.
Word: You cannot
learn to ride a bike until your feet have left the ground. You cannot drive a car without your hands
upon the wheel. You cannot pray without
praying. Today we are going to use the
prayer Christ gave the Disciples as our model.
And we are going to pray! Invite
the Holy Spirit to come and be your teacher! As you begin, remember that it was Jesus
Himself who gave this prayer to His followers.
As you spend time praying through the points of this prayer expect that
Jesus will be with you to guide you! You
are talking to God, in the Name of the Son, with the power of the Holy
Spirit. Enter His gates with great
Take the “Lord’s Prayer” one line at a time. Apply the principles Jesus gave 2,000 years
ago to your life today. Spend a few
minutes and suggest areas of real life that are covered by this point of the
prayer. Then pray on that point. I encourage you not to spend time in prayer
requests, just go to prayer. Watch your
time, and get through the whole prayer.
In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your
Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Keep praying for your OIKOS.
Then look for opportunities to love them, and serve them. If you need help in serving your OIKOS, go to
your Life Group. If the need is beyond
your Life Group, your Shepherd will let Pastor Paul or Chris know. Then we will see how the resources of the
church can come into play.
Good deeds create good will
which opens the door for the Good News!
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