When I was younger I had a very
legalistic view of Christianity. I’m not sure if it was the church I was raised
in or my own standard I held myself to. Either way it felt completely
When I was a young teenager I was
very involved with the drama team of a large church in a small town. So
needless to say many people knew who I was. Not only was I in front of church
fairly regularly I also helped teach the younger kids whenever the opportunity
became available. I soon realized that if I was going to be one the faces of
our church I needed to make sure I was a “good Christian”.
Once I realized that people knew
who I was and knew which church I was a part of, I knew that I could no longer
show weakness in my faith. Pastors and leaders would tell stories about times
before they were Christians, but now that they knew God they were completely
different. None of them shared about struggles they were having now, so in my
head I had decided that to be like them I had to be perfect.
Perfect meant that I had no
struggles, no lapse of faith. I had to show that I was a “good Christian”.
Eventually this mentality jacked me up. Whenever I would sin I would actually
feel sick to my stomach. But no matter what I could not talk to anybody about
my struggles, after all they might look at me differently if they knew I
actually had struggles. So I kept everything bottled up inside me, the
struggles, the questioning of God, the complete confusion about what God wanted
me to do with my life.
Then one day I walked into North
Point (at that time it was called Calvary Baptist), Pastor Paul spoke from the
heart. He had no problems informing us about the fact that he had struggles in
his life. He had questions for God, he had confusion, but ultimately he wanted
to do what God wanted him to do. He admitted he wasn’t perfect, but he loved
the one who is perfect and was trying to live his life the way Christ called us
to do.
As I got more involved with North
Point I realized that God doesn’t call us because we are perfect, he calls us
because we are jacked up people who need Him. Yes we are called to live like
Christ, but when we are having issues we need to talk with our mentor and life
group. Only through accountability will we actually be able to live the way we
are called to.
Once I realized this it felt like a
weight had been lifted off of me. No longer did I have to take the burdens on
myself, what I have to do is trust God and allow Him to take care of my
burdens. He has the strength to handle my problems, and only through Him will I
ever live a life that pleases Him.
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