My dad raised me right. He
instilled values that I will use for my entire life. He taught me to always
treat women with respect, and to always work my butt off even if I happened to
be working for an idiot. He also taught me that the important things in life
are in this order; God, family, country, and music.
Even though I am married now and
haven’t lived with my parents for years, I still make time to hang out just me
and my dad. We play video games, eat pizza, and of course listen to music. But
sometimes I wonder if we have the same relationship with our Father in heaven.
Do we give Him the time to mold us
the way our earthly fathers do? Even if we had a bad relationship with our dad,
it will in some way mold us into whom we are as people. It is easy for our
earthly fathers to have some sort of impact on us. It takes a complete effort
on our part to allow our heavenly Father to impact our lives. I encourage you
to take time out of your day to “talk music” with your heavenly Father. If
given the chance He will mold your life in ways you never thought possible.
How has your earthly father impacted your life? What about your heavenly father?
How has your earthly father impacted your life? What about your heavenly father?