Saturday, June 16, 2012

CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK [Fathers Day Notes]

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Welcome:  Spend a few minutes having a snack, meeting new people, and connecting with those in your Life Group.  Unplug from the week and prepare to engage!

Worship:  Connect with God through songs, prayers, and creative arts.  Invite the Holy Spirit to move and minister in your group!  Be open to God’s leading and presence!  Enjoy this time with God and one another.

Word:  On Father’s day, we looked at several key passages that connected Jesus the Son with God the Father.  This truly is a mystery!  However, we applied things that Jesus said about His relationship with the Father to our earthly Father Son/Daughter relationships.  We learned that there is a wonder progression from God the Father, to Jesus the Son, to earthly Fathers, and on to our Sons and Daughters!  The discipleship path is one of picking it up and passing it on!  Today we are going to look at John 15.  God has more great things to teach us as we examine the imagery of the Vine and the Gardner!

1.         Have you ever grown grapes?  What can you tell us about the experience?

2.         We are going to take apart John 15:1-17.  As we look at the parts, let’s try to wrap our minds    around the message Jesus is giving us! 

A.        Who is the vine and who is the Gardner?  [1]

B.        Who are the branches?           What happens to those who bear fruit, and those who don’t?  [2]

C.        What is the key to being a fruitful Christian?   Can you give some practical suggestions that have helped you grow?  [4-5]

D.        What happens to branches that do not stay connected to the vine?  [6] 
            How does this connect to the parables we looked at a few weeks ago on Matthew 13?

E.         Read verses 7-11.  Jesus makes several declarations and promises.  What can you find and take hold of for yourself?

F.         What does Jesus want from each of us?  [12-14]
            What does this look like in practice?

G.        What does Jesus call us?  [15]

H.        Jesus was speaking specifically to the disciples in this passage.  However, the principles run consistently throughout the New Testament.  How does verse 16 apply to each of us?

I.          There is one consistent theme that runs over and above all other Christian teaching.  Jesus closes this teaching with it!  What is it?  [17]

Conclusion:    What would you say is the key to being used of God to produce good fruit?

 Witness:         Close with a prayer, asking God to help you produce good fruit in your home, OIKOS, and broader community!  Then be ready, this week, for opportunities to testify!  Be ready for them!

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