Let the mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus--even though He was God, He laid it aside and took the mind of man, humbling Himself. We are not God, even though we are tempted at times to think we are. How we think, and what we think, is one of the most important things we do. What we think controls how we act, how we talk, and how we react to the world around us. When we don't think, we get into trouble. When we put aside thought for the indulgence of "feeling", we usually don't realize that feelings can take us places we may regret. I'm not saying that feelings may not be good, but we need to be aware of what they are and where they lead.
Our thinking can be under our conscious control, or it can become unconstrained, to where we overestimate our own abilities and blame everything that doesn't work the way we want on everybody else. We are human, and limited by human flaws. If we are not aware of this, or don't want to believe it, we can cause incredible havoc in our wake. Science at its best is a triumph of the capabilites of human thought, but if it is not constantly examined and checked, we can be led down paths that turn out to be misleading, wrong, or possibly dangerous. It is easy for us to think that if something looks good at the beginning, it will continue to work the way we expect--not noticing that there are unintended consequences that change the expected results. And very often those who think they know everything don't realize how much they don't know--we cannot keep track of everything and everybody, and the more we try the more we get tangled up in other people's assumptions of knowledge.
Jesus teaches us to examine our hearts, our lives, and our relationships. He is the checkpoint, the One who knows what the results will lead when we can't see them. We need to remember that "Your ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all your paths." (Proverbs 5:21, NIV) Our paths are often not His paths, and our paths usually have more to do with our own assumptions and wants than reality. God is reality, and we can only be truly sure of actual reality when we are in touch with Him.
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