As the corona virus spreads, one side-effect is the realization that the recommendations to avoid public gatherings means that traditional church and community activities are possible sources of transmission of the virus. In fact, there is a case up in the Pacific Northwest (where I have family) of a musical group that had held a rehearsal just before the crackdown on meetings, that has discovered that several members of the group now the virus, with the possibility of more. Most churches have concluded that traditional services are unwise under these conditions, and fortunately most churches in the country do have internet capability. However, there are instances of churches, mainly in the southeastern part of the country, who believe that God requires public worship and will protect participants from illness. Thinking, studying, and praying about the situation, the answer I was led to was that of Jesus, when being tested by Satan. He was told that He could throw himself off of the corner parapet of the Temple roof, and angels would catch Him and prevent Him from being harmed--thus providing a demonstration of His power. Jesus' reply: It is written: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test". (Luke 3:12, quoting Deuteronomy 6:16.) The conclusion I have is that God will not do things that are not appropriate, even when they appear at first to be good, because we are not created for God to save us from obvious and unnecessary stupidity. Most of the Bible writings are about NOT being stupid and getting ourselves into bad situations!
When we know that there is a possibility of transferring a serious infectious disease, we should take the responsibility to avoid it whenever possible. God is not a magic genie that allows us to walk directly into danger without looking and without consequences. (One of the distinct answers I once got from God was "I gave you a brain, use it!") God allows opportunities for us to use our best judgment--and hopefully learn things in the process; this is part of His growing us into capable and intelligent people. Just as children grow up stronger when they learn to deal with tough breaks, we need to keep growing and learning and facing new situations as long as we are on this challenging world.
Yes, I have encountered a few people who think it's a big hoax to turn us all into puppets of some sort of conspiracy, but the odds of having as so many people experience it directly and separately makes that highly unlikely. I read a report today that says that California and Washington experiences fewer cases of illness and death than New York and some of the other Eastern states because we have been required to be more careful, stay home more, maintain safe space, and take it more seriously. Yes, God could just zap all the viruses, but we wouldn't learn as much nor appreciate each other as much. God is willing to take care of us when we're beyond the end of our ropes, but not when we're not doing our part.
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