"Friends" are one of the reminders that God created us for relationships. Everything--even microscopic creatures of all kinds reproduce and share their DNA in some way. Most plants require another plant to pollinate, and even ones that self-pollinate reproduce. Animals of all kinds reproduce with some sort of connection with another creature of the same or related species, most of which are families in some sense. The most complex relationships are those of the most complex creation--us. Where we usually see God at work is that family relationships are not merely biological, but have a major emotional connection as well; ideally good; but some are dysfuntional, often ones with no relationship or unhealthy relationships with God.

The other side of this coin is that, being human, we may fail our friends, and sometimes this is serious enough to cause not only pain in what used to be a close friendship, but may spread to others who find themselves being dragged into a mess not of their making. Some of the most painful situations involve dishonesty, slander, injury, betrayal, jealousy, ambition, anger, sabotage--we all have our own list. What is really upsetting and sad is when a church is damaged by serious sin, from the inside, outside, or both. Sometimes we can see it coming, and sometimes not. Sometimes we can help calm the storm; I once had two neighbors who were having affairs with each others' siblings, and I was one of the few people who was on minimal speaking terms with both the injured parties--and was able to squelch a nasty, exaggerated rumor. Once in awhile we get to do something good in this sort of situation: as Jesus said, Blessed are the Peacemakers!
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