Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Lamp for our feet. the Light for our path--by Linden Malki

We do not know what is going to happen in the next minute, much less next year., except that we don't know. One  example of the world we live in is that even the experts on weather know that their best predictions are still subject to change without notice. The Psalmist tells us that we are given light on our pathway, but not for as far ahead as we would like. We are never prepared for what lies around the next bend of the road; that's why accidents happen.  One of the biggest problems in the development of "self-driving cars" is that even the best of the current versions can't predict the difference between stationary objects and moving objects.  We are created for a world that is always changing, in a universe constantly in motion, and every day we wake up (if we wake up; even that is not guaranteed) to weather that may or may not be what was predicted, traffic that may or may not be what it was like yesterday, and things that we may or may not be prepared for and may or may not want to deal with.  Even if we are a hermit that lives in the woods we do not know what is going to facing us when we go out the door--or even might drop through the roof.

There are ways we can be somewhat prepared, but we still realize that worrying about things that may happen is usually a waste of time and energy. I recall when my kids were little, people would ask if I wasn't worried about dealing with the world they were facing, and my answer was that the only thing I really know is that whatever it is, it will be different that what I expect, so it does no good to worry. Yes, we do have to do our best in preparing for what we think we can expect, but always be ready for dealing with both the expected and unexpected.

We do have one advantage over many of the people we deal with every day: if we know God, we can be ready to expect some things that are worth looking for: we do know that He has ultimate control over what goes on, even though we don't always like it, but in the long run we are in His hands. He does take care of us in big ways and small things, and in the long run the one thing we can look forward to is an eternity in His care.

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