Saturday, May 23, 2015

To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth--by Linden Malki

We as a congregation are blessed to have as part of our family our friend and associate Michael Weiss. Michael  is a retired member of the US Army Chaplain Corps with extensive experience training military chaplains.  He was ordained to the pastorate by Northpoint, and we have the privilege of supporting  his mission and outreach expertise.  He has amazing connections with military chaplains in surprising places, including Africa an Eastern Europe. 
This last Sunday we were able to get an update on his recent opportunities in West Africa, including training pastors and encouraging their local ministries.  Several of these pastors will be mentored by our own Pastor Paul via the internet, with the Jumpstart disciple training materials. There are also needs of worship and meeting places,  and our church mission budget recently subsidized a roof on a new church building in Sierra Leone.  There are also needs for education in countries that do not have adequate schools for the demands of developing countries.
The generosity of our church family and friends are making it possible for Pastor Paul to attend a cell church conference in Ivory Coast in August with his friend and mentor Dr Ralph Neighbour Jr, the director of the Cell Church Doctor of Ministry that Paul recently completed. He is also going to be able to see first-hand what we are supporting in Sierra Leone with Michael.
I have been asked how interested people can financially support Michael's mission activities. Our church operating budget does include support for his ministries, and we are able to accept donations and forward them appropriately. In addition, over-and-above donations for  Michael  or additional support for Paul's Africa trip can be made through Northpoint, by tagging them for "Missions: Michael Weiss" or "Missions: Africa Conference" .  
More about Michael:

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