First, of course, we need to pray for all of God's followers, wherever they are, but especially for the ones that live in places hostile to them. Their challenge is to live their lives in such a way that God is recognized and honored without causing unnecessarily violent reactions. Of course there are times when confrontation is unavoidable; pray that those in such situations will have the guidance and strength to do the right thing. Through the history of the Church there are have been many times that Christ-followers faced hard choices; Jesus warned that saving your life at the cost of your soul was a bad bargain.

We are blessed to live in a society that does not often face us with that difficult choice, but it has happened. In general, we are free to say what we believe, and sometimes we are called to do so. We, however, find it too easy to overdo the talk. Could we live in such a way that without saying anything, our choices, our behavior, our attitudes, our values will speak for us, both when it is easy and when it would be easier to "stay under the radar?"
Note: The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is Sunday, November 10.
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