When we read
Scripture and find that it demands something of us,the first thing we need to
know that it is authentic, that it comes from a reliable Source. The first step
is to believe that God exists, and rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Heb
11:6) How do we know He exists? St Paul tells the Romans that "Ever since
God created the world, His everlasting power and deity--however invisible--have
been there for the mind to see in the things He has made." The writer of Hebrews also goes on to the historical
evidence--the many people who had seen or done amazing things through the power
of God. He will demand more than we can do on our own.

Looking at the
stuff I deal with every day, I see some parallels.
The first
question my customers often asks about a part we offer is "Who made it?
" "Is is original?" Some
of what we have available is original, in a genuine factory package. We have some parts that are "original
equipment supplier" items, made to factory specs by companies that deal
with the original factories. In our Christian life, we have available the
experiences and wisdom of people who are connected with the Creator and live
according to His specifications. In my world, we get some things are from
outside sources, not connected with the original factories. They are only as
good as their fidelity to appropriate materials, original specs, and quality
workmanship. In the church world, there have always been people who put out a more or less good imitation of
godly wisdom, and can be anywhere from "right on" to barely
recognizable. In the business world, there is cheap junk, made who knows where,
intended for those who are easily satisfied with cheap and close enough. Often
this will have a brand name designed to mislead: "First Equipment
Quality" or "Genuine". And there is counterfeit--lookalike
packaging, fake logos, designed to fool customers, just as we find folks who
peddle imitation spirituality and counterfeit gods.
I've always
been "picky" about what I sell; to find the best combination of as
close to original as I can at a fair price.
People are nice enough sometimes to let me know that something they got
from us fixed what they needed. If we are in a saving relationship with God, we
need to understand He is the genuine Maker of the Universe, learn as much as we
can from the best sources and our best connections with Him, so that He can fix
the broken stuff in us, and we can become the people we were created to be.
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