The Bible is not "a book." It is an anthology, a collection of writings
that grew over a thousand years before the time of Jesus, and later, another
hundred to compile His story. It is unique, I believe, among foundational
literatures of spiritual communities, in not being a reflection of only one or
two leaders and not more than one or two generations. Its chief derivative and
rival in today's world is the Koran (or Quran), which is based on the story and
teaching of one man and was compiled in its final form less than 30 years after
his death. Most other major religions
are also the legacies of single individuals, such as Buddha, Confucius, and
The Bible is also not a single continuous story. The Old
Testament begins at the Beginning--Creation--and ends with the last of the
recognized prophets who wrote around 400BC.
However, it consists of three major types of writings, which are
arranged in what I see as five chronologies (with some overlaps).
of course, is the record of God's calling and dealings with a specific group of
people. The first five books, in Jewish
tradition called the Torah, are the basic stories of the covenants of God with
Adam, Noah, Abraham (c2000BC), and Moses (c1500). Next we have the history of Israel--the
descendants of Jacob--from Joshua to the united Kingdom of Saul, David
(c1000BC) and Solomon, then the separate Kingdoms of Judah in the South and
Israel in the North, the Assyrian invasion (726-712BC) and conquest by the
Babylonians (596BC) at the end of 2 Kings.
second chronological section overlaps the first: 1 and 2 Chronicles retell the
history of the Israelites, focusing more on the southern Kingdom of Judah,
followed by Ezra and Nehemiah with the return from Babylon (539-445BC), the
rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple; and Esther, in the exile community in
middle section is often referred to as "Wisdom Literature" or
"Writings"--Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes.
These are poetic writings, of which Job is very ancient, and the others are
collections, mostly attributed to David and Solomon, in fairly chronological
The last
two sections are the Prophets: "Major Prophets", the longest
prophetic writings: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations (a short collection of poems
attributed to Jeremiah), Ezekiel, and Daniel, from the time of the Assyrian
invasion to the exile in Babylon and Persia.
"Minor Prophets" are a dozen short writings. Hosea is one of the
earlier prophets, from the period of the two parallel kingdoms, and Malachi the
latest, after the return from Babylon, but the others are otherwise not
necessarily in historical order.

Next week we’ll
look at the New Testament.
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