Father Abraham had many sons--and Uncle Abraham had many nephews,and nieces, and grand-nephews and grand-nieces--
Uncles and aunts and cousins are special relationships, especially in the Middle East.
Even today, cousins, especially on the father's side, are considered the best spouses. (There are two cousin marriages among my immediate inlaws--one has been very successful, and the other wasn't.)
In Arabic, the common word for "father-in-law" is the word for "uncle." I have a first cousin who was a missionary doctor in Jordan, under the Southern Baptist regional headquarters in Lebanon. The summer I spent there, I was usually introduced as "Bint Amo Dr. Lovegren"--the daughter of his father's brother, and after my father passed away, he was considered my guardian until I married--and his wife was one of the official witness to my marriage. Here in the US, my uncle and aunt became surrogate grandparents for my kids, and not only did I wind up living in the same town as their daughter, a niece and nephew of mine have lived near some of this uncles' grandchildren, in widely separated places.
Abraham knew that he could count on his nephew Bethuel to welcome his servant and help find an appropriate wife for Isaac; and Rebekah knew that her brother Laban would welcome Jacob.
I knew, growing up, that aunts and uncles were special. One aunt, who only had boys, several times sent me a red purse for Christmas, saying that every little girl should have a red purse. One of the special things about cousins is that you always have something to talk about--we've had different experiences of the same family, and this gives us a wider perspective. I've often learned things from my aunts and uncles that I might not have learned anyplace else. Families--even good families--are not perfect, and we can also learn what doesn't work well from inside the family.

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