Thursday, March 21, 2013


Your team is getting very excited about their upcoming trip to Ejido Hidalgo.  We are packing, and prepping.  Many thanks to all of you who have prayed, and donated, to make this possible.

On Saturday March 23 we drive to Cuernavaca and set up camp.  Sandy, Maria, Karen, Ron, Chris, and I will travel in two trucks, loaded with snacks, crafts, and sporting equipment.

We will be doing VBS for three hours each afternoon Sunday-Thursday.  We have Bible stories, crafts, games, and water balloons.  There is even a water balloon launcher.  You have donated Frisbees, kites, baseballs, footballs, soccer balls, bats, gloves, soap bubbles, and many smaller prizes.  We have been practicing worship songs in Spanish.  We have put together a kids tract in Spanish.  God loves me, I have sinned, Jesus died for me, I will live for Him. 

We begin each day at base camp with worship, and end each day with worship.  We will be camping with hundreds of others from Azusa Pacific University, and churches from all over the country.  We are in a very fancy dirt lot, in the middle of a small town with dirt streets. 

In addition to our VBS, we have been invited to minister to the adults.  We have put together a bi-lingual packet which covers the basics of our Celebration/Celebracion, Life Groups/Grupas da Vida, and Mentoring/La Tutoria.  We have a case of the 8-15 Oikos book in Spanish.  It has already been suggested that when JumpStart is finished we translate it into Spanish.

Our prayer is that the VBS will touch dozens of children.  We have been told to expect up to sixty.  As the children go home with crafts, songs, and tracts it is our prayer that the gospel message penetrates all of their homes.  Reaching the children for Christ, and sowing the seeds of the gospel is huge.  Equally exciting is the opportunity to challenge a group of adults with Oikos evangelism in the Acts two Cell Model.

If we make the connection with the church that we are hoping to make, I can see this being a long term relationship.  If we could take men down for a work project on the building, and do even deeper leadership training for Life Group leaders, and encourage the pastor and church to be praying over their updated Oikos list, anything can happen.

One step at a time!

Be praying for your team all week!

Ask God to open a wide door,
and if it is His will,
to release signs and wonders upon each of us!

His will be done,

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