Sunday, February 24, 2013

Worship With God, 8-15 - Dougie Spence

Two problems tend to occur when we have a goal set in front of us. One problem is that distractions arise and take us away from achieving our goal. The other is when we put the blinders on; missing everything going on around us, we may achieve the goal but we miss out on opportunities that could have been bigger than the goal itself.
 When it comes to everyday life we generally see the need to address focus issues, but do we spend the time to address these issues when it comes to our jobs as Christians? In order to align our focus I think we need to clarify our goal first. It is easy to get caught up in fellowship, worship, and preaching aspects of the Christian faith. What we forget is that the number one goal we have in this life is sharing the gospel. That is what Christ told us to do before he ascended into heaven, and that is the only reason why we are still here.
Don’t get me wrong, I think fellowship, worship, and preaching are all awesome aspects of the Christian life. But there is no way that they are better here on earth than they are up in heaven. Can you imagine how great it will be to worship in the throne room of God, singing with the angels, while also fellowshipping with the great legends and prophets of the Bible? That will be truly amazing and nothing like anything we will ever experience on earth. So if the goal of a Christian is any of these things wouldn’t God take us home the moment we accepted Him?
Often we get so caught up in worship and fellowship that we forget our real goal; that is when these things become distractions to our ultimate goal. We need to focus on the lost souls, and focus on bringing our oikos closer to a relationship with Christ. Enjoy these times spent in worship and with other Christians but don’t let them distract you from the Goal Christ gave you.
The other scenario we come across is the blinders. Just because God gave us a task to complete (playing worship, writing a book, sharing Christ with a friend, etc.) doesn’t mean we should shut ourselves off from everything else going on around us. Sometimes God puts curveball in our path and if our blinders are on we will miss it entirely. If we get so focused on one task we may miss an opportunity to share Christ with a person or group of people that we never imagined could have happened.
In essence; let’s remember to not get distracted from our goal, but keep your mind and eyes open to the random opportunities God places right in the middle of our path. 

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