When I was 17 I was a theatre major in college. A common tradition in theatre is that after a big production everyone involved goes to a cast party. Another common thing with theatre kids is that they are very involved in pot and heavy drinking. I feel it is important for you to know that was not the case with me; I was very much devoted to my faith and had no desire to smoke weed or become a heavy drinker, especially at 17. Even while I knew this was the case amongst my fellow actors I decided to go to the party anyway.
When we ask God to not lead into
temptation and to deliver us from evil it is important for us to evaluate our
situation and not put ourselves in danger of temptation. This, I did not do. I knew
the other Christian in the group was not going (for obvious reasons), but I decided
that I was a strong enough Christian to handle any situation thrown at me. A little
tidbit of information for all believers out there, never trust your strength so
much that you think you can handle any temptation.
When I got to the party it was
already in full swing; people were drinking, smoking pot, and just acting like
idiots. Did I listen to God’s voice when he was telling me to leave? No, I reassured
Him that I was strong enough (another thing to keep in mind, if you feel like
you are reassuring God that you have made a good decision… run) for most of the
night I just ate brownies and denied drinks. That was until a pretty girl
decided she wanted to dance with me and offered me a drink.
Every guy already understands the dilemma
I put myself into, but for you girls I will clarify: if a pretty girl offers a
guy anything, he will usually be dumb enough to give the wrong answer. So half way through the beer I came to my
senses and got my butt away from the dance floor. But that does not mean I finally
started making good choices.
The moral of the story is that we
are not too strong for temptation. The devil is too cunning and evil for us to
outsmart. When I prayed that God would keep me from temptation he gave me many
outs, starting with the fact that I knew what kind of party it would be and God
had made it clear to me that I had no business being there. Too often we pray
for God to deliver us from temptation and from evil but we do not do our part
in listening to His guidance.
God cares for us and never wants us
to be in a position like the one I was in that night. We can ask for God’s help
all day but until we are ready to listen to what He has to say our prayers will
be in vain. I encourage you to not only pray, but to act upon the guidance God
gives you.
Have you ever put yourself into a
position of temptation knowing full well that God has a different plan?
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