God says “love thy neighbor as thyself”! How are you doing on that one? Do you drive by your neighbor’s house and
murmur about the fact that they never mow their lawn? Do you wish your other neighbor would fix one
of the 9 cars in his driveway? How about our neighbors on the freeway? Do we always have big love for them? In today’s time of instant messaging,
skyping, and electronic everything, it’s seems easier to just drive by
everyone, hit the clicker, drive into the garage, and click it closed behind
us! How about those inside the house
with us once we get home? Do you
sometimes wish everyone was quietly and neatly awaiting your arrival, instead
of running through the house like wild animals, not even conscious of the fact
that you’ve made it home? Have you ever
thought “It would be a lot easier to love them if they acted like normal
people”? Never thought like that? Me neither!
Well maybe once or twice.
The fact is that we tend to love others conditionally or
based on how they act towards us. But
that’s not what God says. The book of
Mathew says “to love those who persecute you”!
Luke says “if someone takes your coat, to give them your shirt
too”! Luke also says “and if you do good
to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that”! Ouch!!!!!!!!
The world expects
“an eye for an eye”, or “do unto others before they do unto you”! But as Christians, we are called to a higher
standard. An “out of this world”
standard! A standard that will cause the
world to stop and take notice. Love your
enemies???? “Where did that come from?”
“I’m glad you asked” you can say, “let’s go grab some food, and I’ll
tell you all about it”!
P. Zummo
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