There was a great sense of excitement in the room as we finished our Ministry Board meeting last evening. We talked about several key things that have far reaching implications for the Life and Ministry of NorthPoint. These things are worthy of your prayers and financial gits. In fact, without your prayers, gifts, participation, and God's sovereign blessing none of them will ever come to pass. Let me share the things that caused us all to leave excited.
Psalm 71:18 has guided this pastor, and our fellowship, for many years.
Now that
I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God.
Let me proclaim your power to this new generation,
your mighty miracles to all who come after me.
Your Ministry Board has accepted King David's prayer to focus on the next generation. It is exciting to sit in a room of people in the "graying" category, who are willing to lay aside their personal needs and tastes, and look to the generation coming along behind them.
To that end we are praying and searching for a Worship Leader with the ability to reach down several musical generations, to those who are coming along behind us. I praise God that Frank Zummo will continue to bless us with his guitar, percussion instruments, and rocker voice. I love him, and thank him for carrying the weight and standing shoulder to shoulder with me for the past three transitional years. I will forever be grateful. Now the time has come to go musically deeper and wider.
To that end we are intensifying our search for a Children's Pastor. If we expect people to trust us with the most important dimension of their most important connection, we must be ready. We must have a Kids Connection where parents gladly and willingly leave their children. A place where the Kids cry when it's time to go home. We have four great teaching teams in place, but they deserve a trained and passionate leader.
To that end we need a building of our own where we can stage a sanctuary for modern worship, and design the coolest and funnest Kids space ever. I want to see kids running wild, climbing, exploring, and learning about Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
To that end Pastor Chris is looking for a large, modern, creative, vibrant, dynamic, effective, and growing church where he can do a 10 hour per week internship for the next six months. In his own words, Chris "has been raised in small classic Baptist churches." It is one thing to read about where you want to go, an entirely different thing to go there, because you have been there. Chris is going to go and soak like a dry sponge in one place, so he can come back and water our evolution.
To that end Pastor Paul is going to press ahead hard to finish his Doctor of Ministry degree by the December 2014 deadline. His project will revolve around training people to utilize JumpStart in the disciple making, mentoring process. He will continue to preach, teach, visit Life Groups, Mentor, and dream about the future with the awesome members of our church. His door is open to anyone who would like to meet and talk about their place in the process.
Our core mission is to be a church who is raising up authentic
Our core method is
Our core target is
the next generation of young men and women who have not yet experienced the saving grace and transformational power of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ!
This is the most important blog I have written in a long time. I pray you read it, pray about it, give your tithes and offerings to support it, and share it with everyone in your OIKOS.
Harold Weitsz told us, while we were with him in Africa, that when the time came at NorthPoint it would be like the changing of the tide. God has times and seasons. God prepares people, and churches, according to His own plans. God does not serve us, we serve Him. I sense God leading, and the tide turning.
Pray, give, and be a part of what God is doing at NorthPoint.
I love you all,